Role:  UX/UI Designer
Tools: Figma, InVision, Miro & Illustrator
The Problem:  
Users wanted to have a good watching experience. It is difficult for them to be able to create, customize & plan, their viewing experience.
Value Proposition
CouchTV is a streaming app that allows users to efficiently plan, customize their watching experience.​​​​​​​
Inspiration for the project
Initial Exploration
According to industry analysis, there is an enormous revenue potential for the global video streaming market.
A proto-persona is created, served as the base of the ideal focus group/ target audience to help me tailored specific questions for the user interview.
Qualitative Interviews
After creating a proto-persona based on our assumption of the focus group, I made a plan for interviewing to know what they are trying to achieve and what sort of problem they encounter when planning a marathon watching their favorite anime's. I interviewed three users to verify my hypothesis and get accurate data to provide further in-depth insight.
Mind Map
After making sense of the data collected, I created a mind map. Mind maps are a way to gain more valuable deeper insight into users/customers. Creating a mind map helps me visualize and understand the users. Here we can see patterns like user needs and their pain points
With the data collected from the interview, I created the actual persona for the target users.
Problem Statement 
I narrowed down to the users' problem based on the data collected and analyzed.
Here I created a value proposition. A value proposition is used to show the proposed solution to the problem, why the user will use the product, and what the user will benefit from; in the business perspective, why the user will use the product over another.
Affinity Diagram
Utilizing brainstorming method to generate more ideas. The ideas collected are categorized, refined, and narrowed down. I used this method to help me to select the best ideas and solutions. Later I used to categorize them that have common and shared ideas. 
After getting the insight and ideating for the possible solution on what the user wants and the problems they encounter, I came up with this solution where I will be focusing on creating and improving.
User Scenario
A user scenario is created to visualize how the user interacts with the product. It is a creative way to show the stakeholders how the user navigates using the product in different phases.​​​​​​​
Task Flow & User Flow
Creating a task flow & user flow to visualize what the target user wants to accomplish and how they will interact using the mobile application while performing specific task.
This is a great way to tell a story to stakeholders and potential users. The storyboard I created, shows the sequence of events how Andrew got home from long hours of work and had a problem with how to plan for his weekend watching a marathon and discover the app in the app store that will solve his problem and meet his expectations and goals.
Paper Prototype
This is the process where I sketch the ideas. The design team uses this as a quick representation of the digital ideas and concept of the product. It is also an excellent tool because it is cheap, and you can quickly iterate redesign without spending too much time.
High-Fidelity Prototype
From the feedback collected, I started to create medium to high-fidelity wireframes. Medium to High-Fidelity Prototype using Figma  shows the addition of images, icons, color scheme, and information layout. In contrast are the continuous version of iterations using Figma to improve the user interface.
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